On the bike, we drink water! On earth, we drink beer!
The cyclist beer velosphere is the creation of Damien Bisetti, 4th generation of restaurateurs and cyclists. 4 generations of total dedication to cycling. Friendships, emotion, stories, innovation, and tradition. More than anything, we love how some things never change. Legs that hurt, lungs that burn. The mark of every cyclist. The natural evolution of these passions, Vélosophe, is a refreshing German lager that is unfiltered to naturally provide calcium, minerals, proteins and vitamins to aid recovery after a tough ride. When you open a Vélosophe with your friends, laugh, enjoy and recover in order to leave the next day for a new Vélosophic adventure.
Warning - Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, alcoholic beverages should be consumed in moderation. Excessive drinking is dangerous for the health; alcoholic beverages should be consumed with moderation. ...